Home Practice

Home Practice

In order to keep safe and practice Ahinsa (non-harming), restrict your home practice to asanas (postures) you know well. If Sun Salutations are part of your usual practice, this is a simple flowing series of postures which will improve strength and flexibility of the muscles and spinal column. Any postures within the Sun salutation can be held for extra breaths. Try to add familiar, favourite asanas such as Warrior II (or Chair Pose!) into the Sun Salutation to expand your home practice.

Remember that Standing Postures build strength and stamina; Balances calm the mind, improving poise and focus; Twists, Forward and Backbends improve alignment and help the spine to stay flexible and youthful. Backbends open the way for twists. Twists loosen the hips and shoulders creating deeper forward bends.

Always begin by gentle forward bending (a natural movement), followed by backbends then twists. Finish with a forward bend.

I now have a You Tube Channel, Emma Petitt Yoga. Below is a link to a recently recorded Home Practice video. This video takes you through a Spine sequence followed by focussed lengthening of the back line. The sequence takes around 22 minutes. I hope you find it a useful resource. The link can also be used to more easily access the other practice videos on my YouTube channel.